新关注 > 信息聚合 > 紫馨徐亚红主任参加2017艾尔建亚太解剖研讨会载誉归来


Purple jasmine Xu Yagong director to participate in the 2017 al built an anatomical seminar on his return

2017-07-05 11:02:56来源: DoNews

2017年6月30日,由全球医美行业领导者、世界500强公司——美国艾尔建公司主办的2017亚太解剖学术研讨会议“Allergan Medical Institute®- Essential(Applied Anatomy Workshop)”圆满落幕,广州紫馨无创美容中心徐亚红主任载誉归来。本次大会由全球医疗美容行业先驱美国艾尔建公司主办,汇聚海内外知名面部微创整形界精英领袖,深入夯实解剖学理论基础,共同探讨国际前沿注射技艺与学术科学,旨在推动全球医美行业的和谐共进。▲徐亚红主任会议留影▲全球精英注射专家狮城“论剑▲亚太AMI解剖研讨盛会现场众多顶级医美大咖云集,共同探讨解剖及注射相关的前沿...

On June 30, 2017, by the global Medical beauty industry leader, the world top 500 companies - Allergan, companies in the United States sponsored 2017 the Anatomy of the Asia Pacific academic conference "Allergan Medical Institute ® - Essential (Applied Anatomy Workshop)" ended, guangzhou purple, noninvasive beauty center Xu Yagong director on his back. The conference by the global medical beauty industry pioneer company built al hosted in the United States, together at home and abroad well-known facial minimally invasive plastic industry elite leaders, further consolidate anatomy theory, discuss the international forefront of injection technique and academic science, to promote the harmony of the global medical beauty industry. Bring Xu Yagong director meeting time bring about global elite injection experts lion city "among bring the AMI anatomy for discussion at the scene of the event many top medical beauty higher-ups, discuss the forefront of anatomy and injection related...