新关注 > 信息聚合 > 上海一小区欠水费两百万 因历史原因没人抄表

上海一小区欠水费两百万 因历史原因没人抄表

Shanghai, a quarter of two million due to the historical reasons for the water meter reading

2016-04-23 20:05:00来源: 环球网

(原标题:上海一小区欠水费两百万:因历史遗留原因没人抄表,已被限水) 视频截图 视频截图 高景花园居民们说,过去的六年里,供水部门从未尽到管网维护和水费收取的责任。 上海高景花园小区累计欠缴水费约200万元,居民认为是历史遗留问题,上海城投水务集团供水分公司则决定,从4月11...

(original title: Shanghai residential water bills owed to two million: due to historical reasons no one meter reading has been limited to water) video capture video capture high King Garden residents say, the past six years, the water sector never try to network maintenance and water fee charging of responsibility. Shanghai Landscape Garden District accumulated arrears of water charges of about 200 million yuan, residents think that is a problem left over by history, Shanghai City cast Eaux water company decided, from April 11.