新关注 > 信息聚合 > 失恋32天——阿里和神州专车为何没有走到一起


Lovelorn 32 days, Ali and why not go Shenzhou car

2016-04-13 21:42:41来源: 新浪

新浪科技 刘安妮 在仅仅一个月的时间里,阿里巴巴放弃了已经到手的神州专车股份。 根据昨日神州专车运营主体神州优车(以下统一以“神州专车”代替)向新三板递交的挂牌申请公告显示,阿里巴巴在今年3月8日确实出现在了神州专车的股东名单上,但在3月31日阿里就将股份转手出售给了云锋投资和云...

Sina Technology Liu Anni in just a month's time, the Alibaba has abandoned the hand of Shenzhou car company. According to yesterday China car operators China excellent car (below unity "Shenzhou car instead of) to the new Sanban submitted for listing announcement shows, Alibaba in March 8, does appear in the list of shareholders on the Shenzhou car, but in March 31, Ali will shares sold to the cloud Feng investment and cloud...