新关注 > 信息聚合 > 账号被盗后iphone变"板砖" 苹果的售后处理却遥遥..

账号被盗后iphone变"板砖" 苹果的售后处理却遥遥..

The account number is stolen iPhone change tile Apple customer service processing was distant.

2016-04-09 22:27:57来源: 新蓝网

核心提示:最近,我们接到了好几起苹果iPhone和ipad用户反应,说自己的苹果账号被盗后,无法正常使用苹果产品的问题。 最近,我们接到了好几起苹果iPhone和ipad用户反应,说自己的苹果账...

Core tip: Recently, we received several from Apple iPhone and iPad users reaction, said his apple account stolen, the problem can not be normal use of apple products. Recently, we received several from Apple iPhone and iPad users reaction, said his apple account...