新关注 > 信息聚合 > 民艺:转化的生机——北京国际设计周首届民艺论..


Folk Art: Transformation of vitality -- Beijing international design week the first folk art on..

2015-10-02 22:07:55来源: 中国网

开幕式嘉宾合影 十一黄金周在万众瞩目之下终于隆重登场!与此同时,2015年10月1日,北京国际设计周首届民艺论坛暨“民艺:转化的生机”系列活动在国粹苑交易品中心拉开帷幕。本次活动由北京市书院中国文...

opening guests photo 11 golden week in the limelight last grand debut! At the same time, October 1, 2015, Beijing international design week the first folk art forum and the folk art: the transformation of life "series of activities in quintessence Yuan Trading Center opened. This event is made by the Beijing Academy of Chinese culture...