新关注 > 信息聚合 > 山西棋迷感受队际赛魅力 纪念中日擂台赛30周年

山西棋迷感受队际赛魅力 纪念中日擂台赛30周年

Shanxi chess feel 13 June, to commemorate the team charm, challenge the 30th anniversary of

2015-06-15 16:14:50来源: 新浪

比赛现场 6月13日,为纪念中日围棋擂台赛30周年,山西围棋爱好者特别举办了一场队际赛活动,纪念擂台赛的同时联络感情。 经周秘书长精心组织和策划,于6月13日华北赛区山西区队际赛四强争夺如期...

game, memorial in Japan Chess Challenge match the 30th anniversary, Shanxi chess enthusiasts specially organized a team event, memorial Challenge Cup at the same time to contact the feelings. After weeks of careful planning and organization secretary general, in June 13th Shanxi district as the North Division semi-finals for the schedule...