新关注 > 信息聚合 > NBA颜值担当获5年8500万合同 续约魔术成基石

NBA颜值担当获5年8500万合同 续约魔术成基石

The NBA appearance level to five years in 85 million for the contract Contract magic into bedrock

2016-07-02 05:28:31来源: 华体网

7月2日 据ESPN新闻专线报道,法国球星埃文-富尼耶已经与奥兰多魔术队达成5年8500万美元续约协议,在奥拉迪波被交易到雷霆之后,富尼耶已经成为魔术后卫线上的核心,也是魔术队重建基石之一。 ...

On July 2, according to ESPN newswire, French star evan - rich and have reached $85 million for five years with the Orlando magic's contract agreement, in Mr Lardy wave after being traded to the thunder, rich "has become a core of the magic back, is also one of magic reconstruction cornerstone. ...