新关注 > 信息聚合 > 鲁尼坠落只因预支巅峰期 30出头来中超有出路?

鲁尼坠落只因预支巅峰期 30出头来中超有出路?

Did Rooney fall because he had a way out in his early 30s?

2016-11-02 08:59:25来源: 华体网

鲁尼 就在上周,鲁尼刚刚度过自己的31岁生日。作为曼联队的10号球员和球队队长,球迷口中的“小胖”在这个赛季日子很难过!他希望能够打破博比-查尔顿爵士保持的曼联俱乐部249球的进球纪录(相差3球...

Rooney just last week, Rooney just celebrated his 31st birthday. As Manchester United's No. 10 player and captain of the team, fans call "Little Fat" a tough season. He hopes to break Sir Bobby Charlton's 249-goal record at Manchester United.