新关注 > 信息聚合 > 库克暗讽谷歌脸书滥用用户隐私牟利


Cook allusion Google Facebook abuse user privacy profit

2015-06-03 11:46:12来源: TechWeb

库克暗讽谷歌脸书滥用用户隐私牟利 【TechWeb报道】6月3日消息,据国外媒体报道,周一晚间,苹果CEO蒂姆·库克在电子隐私信息中心”(Electronic Privacy Information Center)举办的一场晚宴发表了一番演讲,严厉批评了科技公司和政府机构收集用户个人隐...

cook allusion Google Facebook user privacy abuse profit [techweb reported] news on June 3, according to foreign media reports, on Monday night, Apple CEO Tim Cook at the Electronic Privacy Information Center (Electronic Privacy Information Center) held a dinner: the speech, severely criticized the technology companies and government agencies to collect user personal privacy.

标签: 谷歌