新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曼联踢不了欧冠亏大了 莫耶斯造的孽还在坑曼联

曼联踢不了欧冠亏大了 莫耶斯造的孽还在坑曼联

Manchester United play champions Manchester United can't loss

2015-02-13 10:08:32来源: 新浪

无缘欧冠让曼联损失惨重 新浪体育讯 英超豪门曼联日前公布本财年第二季度的财政报告,结果显示红魔在收入方面比去年同期出现了不小的下滑,这其中球队无缘欧冠无疑是最大的原因,莫耶斯带队的失败余波仍在波及着曼联的财政。 曼联第二季度的财报显示,俱乐部在过去三个月里的总营收为1.057亿英...

sin still pit big made of Moyers missed the Champions League let Manchester United suffered heavy losses of sina sports dispatch Premiership giants Manchester United in the fiscal second quarter financial report released recently, the results showed the Red Devils in the aspects of income over the same period last year fell not small, which the team missed the champions the crown is undoubtedly the biggest reason, Moyers led the failed aftermath still affected the United finance. Manchester United's second quarter earnings display, the club's general revenue in the past three months as the 105700000 english...