新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刘俊威:感谢队员拼搏精神 继续努力不会放弃

刘俊威:感谢队员拼搏精神 继续努力不会放弃

Liu Junwei: thank the players fighting spirit to continue to strive to not give up on 11

2015-08-11 23:38:41来源: 华体网

8月11日上海 (记者王正根)尽管申鑫保级只剩理论上的希望,但是申鑫还在为这理论上的概率一直在做努力。今天晚上,他们在主场2比1击败辽足,就是最好的证明。 “在主场又赢了一场,感谢队员们表现出的...

8 Shanghai (reporter Zheng Gen Wang) although Shen Xin echelon left theory of hope, but Shen Xin is still in the theory of probability has been doing in the. This evening, in their home court 2 to 1 victory over the distant foot, is the best proof. "At home and win a game, thanks to the players showed...