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怒了!C罗不满媒体批评 门德斯:这对他不公平

Anger! C Luo dissatisfaction with the media criticism of Mendes: This is unfair to him

2015-02-10 09:03:29来源: 华体网

脸呢!皇马惨败仍为C罗庆生 三将摆V太讽刺(图) 在皇马在上周末惨败给同城死敌马竞之后,C罗便成为了舆论的焦点。此前因红牌停赛的2014足球先生不仅在比赛中碌碌无为,奉献了0射正、0传中等尴尬数...

face! Real Madrid still to defeat C Luo Qingsheng three will be V too ironic (map) after Real Madrid in last weekend's defeat to city rivals Atletico, C Lo became the focus of public opinion. Previously due to red card suspension 2014 Footballer of the year not only mediocrity in the game, the dedication of the 0 shot is, 0 pass medium embarrassing number...