新关注 > 信息聚合 > 研究CR7成大学课程 名校教授盼C罗亲身授课

研究CR7成大学课程 名校教授盼C罗亲身授课

Research on CR7 as professor at the University of curriculum schools hope C Luo personal teaching

2015-02-06 23:44:01来源: 华体网

2月6日讯 成功卫冕国际足联金球奖后,皇马巨星C罗稳固了自己足坛第一的地位,同时在全世界范围内又再掀起一股C罗热,甚至还有大学将研究C罗作为一门大学社会学课程,要求学生花4年研究C罗现象对社会的影响。 凭借不懈的努力,刚满30周岁的C罗在球场内外都取得了空前的成功,堪称世界足坛的第一高...

2 month 6 days to successfully defend the FIFA globes, Real Madrid superstar C Luo established their football first position, at the same time in the whole world again set off a wave of C Roget, even the university will study C Luo as a university sociology courses require students to spend 4 years, influence research C Luo phenomenon of society. With unremitting efforts, just over 30 years of age C Luo on and off the pitch has achieved unprecedented success, called the world of football's first high...