新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中央国家机关大型徒步活动点亮春色(图)


The central state organs of the large spring hike up (Figure)

2015-04-11 17:34:17来源: 中国新闻网

中新网北京4月11日电(岳川) 四月的北京天气回暖,春意盎然,正是进行户外活动的好时节。就在昨日下午,中央国家机关32个部委共5000余人聚集在北京奥林匹克森林公园,开展了一场主题为“健步奥森行,追寻中国梦”的健步走活动。 据悉,此次中央国家机关奥森健步走活动由中央国际机关工会联合会...

in new network Beijing on 11 April, (Yue Chuan) April Beijing warmer weather, Spring is in the air., it is a good time for outdoor activities. Just yesterday afternoon, the central state organs of the 32 ministries and a total of more than 5000 people gathered in Beijing to carry out the Olympic Forest Park, a theme of "vigorous Orson, pursue Chinese dream" walking activities. It is reported, the central state organs of Orson walking activities by the central authority of International Federation of trade unions...