新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暴鸡电竞公布“年度十佳游戏陪练师”,电竞新职业月入轻松过万元


Critical e-sports released chicken, "top ten game partners division of the year," e-sports new career income easily over ten thousand yuan

2018-02-08 13:54:49来源: DoNews


Critical e-sports released chicken, "top ten game partners teacher of the year," e-sports new career income over ten thousand yuan easily play popular games with platform "e-sports" suddenly and violently chicken recently awarded "top ten game partners teacher of the year," will "game to practice" the slightly strange career to the public's eyes. So-called game partners, just as its name implies is to play games with ordinary players and practice techniques of game masters, they are often skilled, can in practical teaching. And the award issued, from the popular game play with platform "e-sports" wild chicken. Award, seem to indicate that the games with the industry is from the wild formally entered professional. It is understood that the award winning ten professional trainer, is in the critical e-sports platform on the top of the chicken and the situation: there are 2000 + order quantity "model worker", has a full-time investment, a former senior engineers, 985 college students with excellent grades, there are also referred to as "human plugins" winning 100% of the milk dad, even to swim...

标签: 游戏 电竞