新关注 > 信息聚合 > 解码三七互娱VR投资策略:现实点好,生存为先


Decoding notoginseng mutual entertainment VR investment strategy: be realistic, first to survive

2016-07-18 18:53:05来源: 站长之家

到了“元年”的下半年,大家开始冷静了,开始思考不管是不是“元年”都该做的事情,比如挣钱。 此刻,2016年的下半年,中国VR圈内人开始冷静了。 “2016年是VR元年。”从2015年年底开始,这句话是VR圈内人烂熟于心且常挂嘴边的一句话。到了这个“元年”的下半年,冷静下来的中国V...

The "first" in the second half, we began to calm, began to think about whether the "first" to do things, like money. At the moment, the second half of 2016, China began to calm the VR insider. "In 2016, is the first year of VR. Since the end of 2015, this sentence is know VR insider by heart, and often a word of mouth. To this "first" in the second half, to calm down the V...

标签: VR 三七互娱