新关注 > 信息聚合 > AppLovin旗下热门手游成功的背后:游戏循环的巧妙利用


AppLovin its hit behind the success of mobile game: the game loop clever use

2019-02-20 00:00:00来源: 人民网

人们常说初次见面给人留下好印象的时间只有七秒,这同样适用于游戏,尤其是手游、主机游戏和端游。主机游戏和端游是基于付费体验,更容易获得新玩家的好感度。然而,手游开发者却没有这么幸运。由于大多数手游都是免费的,所以玩家的忠诚度就没那么高了。AppLovin运营增长总监王思扬表示,如果手游留给玩家的第一印象很糟糕,会导致其删除应用甚至此生无缘再见。为了提升玩家的留存率,良好的第一印象对于帮助游戏开发者实现核心游戏循环至关重要。 核心游戏循环如何激励玩家 精心设计的核心游戏循环能鼓励玩家度过最初那重要的几秒。在这段时间,玩家能够感受到这款游戏易学却难以驾驭,这种强烈的诱惑激发了玩家深入探索游戏的...

People often say that first meeting to make a good impression of time is only seven seconds, the same applies to games, especially the mobile game, host, games and swimming. Swimming is fee-based experience host game and end, liking it is far easier to get new players. Mobile game developers, however, are not so lucky. Since most mobile game is free, so the player's loyalty is not so high. AppLovin operation growth director Wang Siyang said, if mobile game for players of the first impression is bad, will lead to its application and delete even life goodbye. To enhance the retention rate of the player, a good first impression is very important to help game developers to realize the core game loop. The core game loop how to motivate players to elaborate the core game loop to encourage players to spend the first it important for a few seconds. During this time, players can feel the game is easy to learn but difficult to manage, the alluring inspired explore game...

标签: 手游 游戏 APP