新关注 > 信息聚合 > 战队争霸送钛金AK47 《全民枪战》一周限时优惠活动

战队争霸送钛金AK47 《全民枪战》一周限时优惠活动

Team to send a titanium gold AK47 "gun battle" a week after the

2015-08-28 13:13:17来源: 4399

本周全民枪战又出了很多超级福利,如今玩家们就期待着哪个周五可以更新他们想要的武器或是角色,这样就可以以优惠的价格买到心仪已久的神器,下面一起来了解下本周全民枪战有哪些福利活动吧。 充值可得改装卡,传奇改装不再愁 活动时间:8月27日15:00--8月30日24:00 活动内容: ...

this week, a lot of super benefits, and now the players are looking forward to Friday can update their desired weapon or role, so that you can buy the heart of the instrument has been a long time artifact, the following one of the benefits of this week's national gun battle. Recharge can be modified card, the legendary conversion is no longer worry about the activity time: August 27th 24:00 month 30 15:00--8 activities:...