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劲舞团如何提升技术得分 技术得分攻略

Dance mission how to promote technological scoring technique score Raiders

2015-02-25 15:56:54来源: 4399

每一位来到《劲舞团》的玩家都希望能够展现自己的高超舞技,嘻嘻,除了依靠自己的技术实力外,使用一些小【道具】,也能帮助各位玩家获得高分! 现在大家继续跟随助理小秘书回到舞蹈大厅,选择下一首歌曲的简单模式。这次进去会有提示告诉你,有【道具】解锁了,大家可以通过选择【道具】来提升自己的舞力...

each came to the "dance mission" of the game player can hope to show their dancing skills, hee hee, in addition to rely on our own technical strength, the use of some small props [], also can help you get a high score game player! Now we continue to follow the assistant small secretary back to the dance hall, choose the simple mode of a song. This account will be prompted to tell you, there are [] unlock props, you can improve your dance force by selecting [] props...