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The inventory of 2015 Taipei game show worth looking forward to Chinese big game show host

2015-01-27 03:04:21来源: 17173

2015台北电玩展(2015 Taipei Game Show)即将于1月28日在台北世贸一馆举行。背刺台北电玩展共有来自10个国家和地区超过今年共有195家参展商、总计使用1471个摊位,预估参观人潮将可到达50万人次。 本次迎来包括索尼电脑娱乐、万代南梦宫等著名厂商。索尼还携带了...

2015 Taipei (2015 Taipei Game Show) will be held in Taipei world trade a hall in January 28th. Backstab Taipei game show there were from 10 countries and regions more than this year a total of a total of 195 exhibitors, the use of 1471 stalls, visitors will be able to reach the estimated 500000 people. The usher in computer entertainment, including Sony Bandai Namco and other well-known manufacturers. Sony also carry...