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游戏兼顾个性 联想Y900定制版主机瞩目

The game both personality Lenovo Y900 custom version of the host

2016-10-30 00:58:11来源: 中关村在线

中关村在线报道:2016年10月29日,ZOL首届守望先锋民间大神选拔赛火热拉开,众多民间大神参与到本次赛事当中。同时也吸引了不少妹子选手参与。而且整个比赛期间,无论是场上的参赛选手,还是场下的观众,都沉浸在游戏的激烈对抗之中。 参赛选手备战中 而在本次赛事期间,联想也将旗下的游戏...

Zhongguancun online reports: on October 29, 2016, the first ZOL watchman pioneer folk deities audition hot, many folk deities to participate in this event. At the same time also attracted many sister contestant. And during the whole game, both players on the pitch, and off of the audience, all immersed in the rivalry of the game. Contestants in the preparations And during the event, lenovo's game...

标签: 游戏