新关注 > 信息聚合 > 如何定义家装行业的“三板斧”?赛莉莎加速产业升级


How to define an outfit industry "SanBanFu"? Lisa accelerate industrial upgrading

2017-12-28 18:12:47来源: DoNews


Want to find out what "SanBanFu" domestic outfit industry are, first, we need to find out "SanBanFu" inter-cultural. "SanBanFu" stories from the sui and tang dynasties of star cheng bite gold, according to legend, in a dream that one day he met noble learned three recruit subtle ax method, although only three, but it is simple and practical and powerful. Therefore, "SanBanFu" and refers to some method although looks very simple, but perfectly is trick. Throughout the home improvement industry, we can understand the "SanBanFu" as the most important in the development of domestic outfit industry three links. The traditional home outfit link is three important steps in design, material, construction, now under the condition of resources integration in the industry to upgrade, becomes the design, performance, environmental protection for three key points. Household design household design is the "first meat" of the decoration industry worthy, not a complete design, all decorate construction can only be "follow and go", the final result is...