新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《为谁而炼金》空间战略玩法全面解析


Who "gold" for space strategy game in parsing

2017-11-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

在日服超受欢迎的人气SRPG手游《为谁而炼金》,10月19日已经正式开始国服内测,小编作为一位热爱战棋游戏的玩家,对于其主推玩法“三次元空间战略”一直十分好奇,那么这款游戏的创新玩法玩起来到底如何?让我们一起走进炼金术的世界一窥究竟。 烧脑的空间战斗模式 平面高度方位全解析所谓的三次元空间战斗即结合了XY轴的平面移动,同时高度轴Z轴也成为了游戏战斗中必不可少的元素,通过占领至高点攻击敌人能获得更好的收益加成。在战斗过程中如不方便通过地形识别高低,在UI界面的右上角就能清晰的显示出当前人物所在的层数,并且为了将游戏性发挥到极致,本作的地图都有着各式各样不同的地形,巧妙的利用地形优势,...

In day super popular sentiment SRPG mobile game gold for who, on October 19, has formally started the clothes inside, small make up as a love war chess players of the game, for the main game "three dimensional space strategy" has been very curious, so which innovation play how to play the game? Let us together into the world a glimpse of alchemy. Brain space combat mode plane high azimuth resolution of the so-called all three dimensional space battle that combines the movement of the XY plane, height axis Z axis, meanwhile, has become a indispensable element, game battle by capturing vertices to attack the enemy can obtain better gains bonus. Such as inconvenience in the process of fighting through the high and low terrain recognition, in the upper right corner of the UI screen can clearly show the current character of layers, and to gameplay develops acme, this map has a variety of different terrain, clever use of the advantage...