新关注 > 信息聚合 > 彩虹六号围攻帧数每秒60全程表现稳定


Rainbow six siege 60 frames per second the whole performance and stability

2015-12-07 09:34:10来源: 和讯网

育碧团队射击新作《彩虹六号:围攻(Rainbox Six Seige)》已于本月初登陆PC/PS4/Xbox one平台,相必不少玩家已经沉浸其中,而根据大家反馈的信息来看,游戏的帧数非常稳定。 育碧蒙特利尔工作室将《彩虹六号:围攻》设置为60帧每秒。据说为达到这一设定,蒙特利尔工作...

Ubisoft team shooting new rainbow Six: siege (Rainbox Six Seige) "at the beginning of this month to land the PC/PS4 Xbox one platform, phase will be a lot of players have immersed, and according to the feedback information, game frames are very stable. Ubisoft Montreal studio set "rainbow six: siege" to 60 frames per second. It is said that to achieve this setting, Montreal work...