新关注 > 信息聚合 > 山东教育招生考试院:关于2015年军队院校招生计划


Shandong Institute of education entrance examination: a 2015 the army colleges and universities to recruit students to plan

2015-06-18 11:02:03来源: 中国教育在线

各市招生(考试)办公室(院、中心),各警备区、军分区政治部,各市公安局政治部,军队各有关院校招生办公室,各有关普通高等学校招生办公室,各有关驻普通高等学校后备军官选拔培训工作办公室: 根据教育部...

municipalities enrollment (examination) office center, Center for), the garrison, Army division political department, the Political Department of the Municipal Public Security Bureau and the army all the universities and Colleges Admissions Office, have closed the universities and Colleges Admissions Office, office of the relevant colleges and universities in reserve officer selection and training: according to the Ministry of Education...