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第十四届“汉语桥”复赛 97国大学生比拼汉语“功..

The fourteenth session of the "Chinese Bridge" rematch country 97 students competition Chinese "work..

2015-07-06 23:11:45来源: 中国新闻网

中新网长沙7月6日电 (记者 唐小晴)7月6日,第十四届“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛复赛在湖南大众传媒职院演播厅鸣锣开赛,来自全球97个国家的133名优秀大学生,将在接下来的复赛与决赛征程中比拼深厚...

new net Changsha on July 6, (reporter Tang Xiaoqing) July 6,, the fourteenth session of the" Chinese Bridge "World University Chinese game rematch in Hunan Mass Media Vocational studio Gong open race, from 97 countries around the world of 133 outstanding students, in the semi-finals and final journey to the next competition deep...