新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【十个全覆盖·亮丽新家园】赛汉乌素村:黄河岸..


[ten full coverage, beautiful new home] Saihanwusucun: the Yellow River shore..

2015-08-27 10:32:18来源: 内蒙古新闻网

赛汉乌素村:黄河岸边的风情小镇 赛汉乌素村全貌,全村的整体建筑为浪漫的法式乡村风格。 赛汉乌素在蒙古语中意为“美丽的水”,这片坐落于黄河岸边的村落正如它的蒙古语意义一样安谧、美丽。 驱车从...

Saihanwusucun: on the shore of the Yellow River customs small town Saihanwusucun panorama, the overall construction of the village for the romantic French country style. Saihanwu element in the Mongolian Italian for "beautiful water", this piece is located on the banks of the Yellow River Village as its significance of Mongolian as tranquil and beautiful. Drive from...