新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王者荣耀国庆永久皮肤怎么获取?获取方法一览


King glory National Day for permanent skin? Access method in

2018-09-29 00:00:00来源: 人民网

王者荣耀游戏中国庆的活动是非常的丰厚啊,超级的奖励等你来拿,其中就有免费的永久皮肤哦。下面小编就给大家讲讲国庆永久皮肤获取方法的具体内容,大家一起来看看吧。 国庆永久皮肤获取方法分享 国庆节放假7天,我们只需每天登陆并且完成天美给出的对战活动就能获得21个中国结,兑换皮肤宝箱则需要20个中国结,也就是说只要我们一天不登录基本上就兑换不成了。这个宝箱中含有:伊势巫女、隐忍、特种部队、战争女神、精灵公主,如果土豪玩家全部拥有将会获得5个皮肤碎片。 9月27日至9月29日这三天虽然没有国庆活动,但是每日登陆都将会获得铭文碎片和钻石,我们只需每日登陆领取就行了,另外登陆还能获得王、者、荣、...

King glory game China celebrates the activity is very rich, super rewards waiting for you to take, including the permanent skin oh free. National Day below small make up just to tell you about the permanent access method, the specific content of the skin together and see it. National Day permanent skin get methods share 7 day National Day holiday, we only need to log in every day and finish day beauty given against activities can get 21 Chinese knot, change skin treasure case requires 20 Chinese knot, a day that is to say as long as we don't login basically could not be change. The treasure box contains: ise miko, forbear, special forces, the goddess of war, demon princess, if local tyrants players all have will get 5 pieces of skin. On September 29, September 27 solstice this three days, although there is no National Day activities but the daily login will get inscription fragments and diamonds, we just have to do is log in to receive daily, another log in still can obtain the king, who, rong,...

标签: 王者荣耀