新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《消除者联盟》手游上线备受瞩目 只因做对三件事

《消除者联盟》手游上线备受瞩目 只因做对三件事

The "Alliance for the elimination of the eliminator" has attracted a lot of attention only for three things.

2018-03-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

自智能手机兴起以来,在国内乃至全球手游市场上,消除类游戏便始终在休闲手游这一品类当中占据主导地位。然而,消除类手游固然整体表现强势,但也始终存在着头部产品长期占据绝大部分用户的现象。 从中国移动去年发布的报告当中可以发现,在消除类手游占休闲品类市场总收入的31.7%,高举二级分类头名的同时,新增应用中消除类手游的占比却仅为15.8%,仅位于二级分类中的第三位。很显然,新作不易于突围,是消除类手游细分市场面临的一大难题。 不过,就在这样的大环境下,即将在3月27日开启不删档的消除类手游新作——《消除者联盟》,却提前受到了玩家们的热烈期待。许久未有新作能够打破旧有格局的消除类市场,也因为...

Since the rise of smart phones, in the domestic and even the global hand tour market, the elimination of games has always dominated the category of leisure hand travel. However, the elimination of hand tour, although the overall performance is strong, but there is always the phenomenon that the head products occupy most of the users for a long time. From China Mobile released last year's report which can be found in the elimination of class Mobile Games leisure category market accounted for 31.7% of total revenue, up two top level classification at the same time, the new application of the elimination of class Mobile Games proportion was only 15.8%, only in the two classes of third. It is obvious that the new work is not easy to break through, and it is a big problem to eliminate the subdivision market of the kind of hand tour. However, in such a big environment, the new elimination game of hand games, the eliminator alliance, will be opened in March 27th, but it has been eagerly anticipated by the players in advance. For a long time, no new works can break the old pattern of the elimination of the market, but also because...

标签: 手游