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H5商业化精品游戏论坛 产业颠覆者的发展之道

H5 commercial fine game industry forum to subvert the 9 on 10, the development of road

2015-08-28 13:55:44来源: 07073游戏网

9月10日-9月11日,国内顶级移动游戏行业B TO B盛会“第十一届TFC全球移动游戏大会暨智能娱乐展”将在广州南丰国际会展中心正式拉开帷幕。作为此次TFC大会最重要的主题分论坛之一,HTML5商业化精品游戏分论坛也将于9月11日下午同期举行。届时,HTML5商业化精品游戏分论坛将联合...

9 month 11, the top mobile games industry B to B event "the eleventh TFC global mobile game conference and intelligent entertainment show will be in Guangzhou Fung International Convention and Exhibition Center officially kicked off. As one of the most important theme of the TFC conference, HTML5 commercial boutique gaming forum will be held in the same period in September 11th. By then, HTML5 commercial fine game sub forum will be jointly...

标签: 游戏 H5