新关注 > 信息聚合 > Dmall李文智:以超市为据点做分布式电商


Dmall Ping: to the supermarket as a stronghold to do distributed business

2015-07-10 15:48:15来源: 亿邦动力网


7 March 10 news, in 2015 Yibang o2o industry summit, multipoint (dmall) co-founder Ping: the "break the life electricity supplier" Centennial loneliness "" public speaking, he in the field are introduced in detail dmall business model. Dmall a dream is to be the Chinese people preferred life business platform, business model is the door of the supermarket business moved to the Internet, while providing the last hour delivery service, a head attached to commercial supermarket, a head connected with consumers. Dmall is a commercial supermarket to provide + Internet service, Li Wenzhi hope Dmall can be in the two kinds of old electricity suppliers Alibaba and Jingdong, out of the distributed electricity suppliers these third paths. "In the traditional business ultra link, 1.0 times is general merchandise stores, 2.0 is a supermarket chain, is characterized by good quality, low price, model 3.0 is community convenience stores, but in commercial supermarket buy cola cola with community convenience store about...

标签: 电商