新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中文配音的里昂您拜年了!【新游月谈1月番】


Chinese dubbing Lyon you happy New Year! About 1 month's 】 【 XinYou month

2018-12-31 01:04:17来源: 游戏时光

新年的第一个月,三款大作贺新春!《皇牌空战7:未知天空》重回系列广受好评的经典世界观,VR模式更成一大亮点。《生化危机2 重制版》是经典的完全重制,并且加上了中文配音。《王国之心3》是系列正统的续作,整数哦!游戏添加众多新世界,并且是系列篇章的阶段性完结。每一款都想玩就很开心!所以希望大家也能过一个开开心的春节~ B站视频原地址OP:First Flight (Arranged ACE COMBAT 04 "Blockade") - 小林啓树ED:【26地方言版】let it go(电影《冰雪奇缘》) - 括号君,五湖四海的妹子音频版链接:网易云音乐|荔枝|听伴|喜马拉雅FM

The first month of the New Year, three new masterpiece spring! The ace combat 7: unknown sky back to series acclaimed classic world view, VR model more as a major bright spot. "Resident evil 2 heavy plate" is a classical completely remade, and combined with the Chinese dubbing. "Dearly beloved 3" is a series of orthodox sequel, integer! Games to add many new world, and is a series of chapters end stage. Each want to play is very happy! So hope everyone can have a happy New Year ~ B station OP video the original address: First Flight (Arranged ACE COMBAT 04 "Blockade") - Lin kai tree ED: [26 local word version] let it go (" ice ") - jun brackets, the sister of all audio version links: netease cloud music | litchi | to | Himalayan FM