新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传统企业如何拥抱工业4.0?


How traditional enterprises embrace industry 4?

2015-08-13 10:29:38来源: DoNews

从股市来看 人们仍然不懂“互联网+”相对于“着的见摸的着”的衣食住行等实体经济,政府出台的如“互联网+”行动计划、“中国制造2025”政策、以及“一代一路”等政策似乎就是假大空的存在,根本无法给人们带来什么实际效益。而事实上,你创业拿到的免费办公楼、技术创新补助等等各种补助完全是因为政府的支持,你现在能做的没一样事都是相关部门一个又一个的开放政策促成的,每一个“五年计划”以及“十年计划”都促进经济大幅前进,能说你的发展与其无关吗?可以说,每一个企业大佬无不关心企业政策,无不准时收看《新闻联播》。作为“中国版工业4.0”,《中国制造2025》也是这样的一个存在,说是政策却是“互联网+”之后的生产...

stock market from the point of view of people still don't understand "Internet +" with respect to "see and touch of" clothing, food, housing and other economic entities, introduced by the government such as "Internet + action plan," 2025 "policy" made in China ", and" all the way "policy seems to be false, big, empty existence, simply can not give people bring the actual benefits. And in fact, you start to get the free office buildings, technical innovation grants and so on a variety of grants are completely because of the government's support, you can do now is not the same thing is the relevant departments of an open policy contributed to each one of the ten year plan and the five year plan to promote economic progress, you can say that every business big brother is concerned about corporate policy, all the time to watch the news network. As the Chinese version of industry 4, China made 2025 is such a presence, said policy is the Internet + after the production...