新关注 > 信息聚合 > 诸多大佬持悲观态度,人工智能是人类文明的最大威胁吗?


The pessimistic attitude that many bosses, artificial intelligence is the biggest threat to human civilization?

2018-05-10 15:57:00来源: 品途网

过去几年,在钢铁侠、复仇者联盟等影视作品和AlphaGo在围棋上战胜李世石以及国内外科技公司“AII IN AI”战略的轮番轰炸下,人工智能不仅成为了几乎所有科技互联网公司所宣扬的DNA,更是走进了普通用户的茶余饭后。但事实上若我们回首当下这轮人工智能的发展热潮,有一个问题却始终萦绕在大众心头:人工智能是会取代人类,还是让人变得更为强大? 关于这一点,诸多大佬对此未来持以悲观态度。有硅谷钢铁侠之称的埃隆•马斯克,可能是其中最为人所知的人工智能悲观论者。在2014年起,其就不断对外宣称人工智能威胁论。诸如“我们...

In the past few years, such as iron man, the avengers alliance, film and television works and AlphaGo beat lee se-dol and technology companies at home and abroad in go "AII  IN  Being bombarded by AI "strategy, the Internet company of science and technology of artificial intelligence not only became almost all claim of DNA, but also walked into the ordinary users in dinner. But the fact is if we look back now this round of artificial intelligence development boom, there is a problem has been lingering in the popular mind: artificial intelligence will replace the human, or let a person become more powerful? & have spent On this point, many bosses have to be pessimistic attitude in the future. A silicon valley iron man said the elon musk, is probably the best known for artificial intelligence the pessimists. In 2014, its have been declared threat theory of artificial intelligence. Such as "we...