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Ali cloud published dozens of new product with small program plans to the stars

2019-03-21 12:06:59来源: IT之家

3月21日上午消息,2019阿里云峰会今日在北京举行,阿里云智能产品管理部总经理马劲表示,过去十年,阿里云共发布了162个产品,4610个新功能,几乎每天都有产品新功能发布。会上,首次整合阿里巴巴、阿里云、达摩院的全新智能技术产品阵列,发布超算型异构实例SCC-GN6、POLARDB 2.0、SaaS加速器等数十款全新产品。阿里云还发布了小程序云beta,为小程序打包技术解决方案。现场阿里巴巴发布小程序繁星计划,将拿出10亿元的技术补贴以及10亿元的商家运营补贴进行推广。此外阿里云还宣布众多产品降价。其中包括,ECS云服务器海外降价20%,块存储降价最高15%,高速通道全线路降价10%等。

On March 21, the morning news, ali yunfeng 2019 will be held in Beijing today, ali cloud intelligent Ma Jin, general manager of product management, said in the past decade, ali cloud released 162 products, 4610 new features, new function released products almost every day. Conference, the first integration of alibaba, ali cloud, dharma of smart technology products new array, release type super calculate heterogeneous instances SCC - GN6, POLARDB 2.0, SaaS accelerators, such as dozens of new product. Ali cloud cloud beta also released a small program, for small program package technology solutions. Site alibaba to release small program plan, stars technology subsidies will take out 1 billion yuan and 1 billion yuan businesses operating subsidies for promotion. Ali cloud also announced that many product price cut. Including, ECS cloud servers overseas prices by 20%, block storage prices by up to 15%, the whole line at a 10% discount of high-speed channels.

标签: 阿里云