新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阿里云发布新一代存储产品家族 要打破线上线下边界

阿里云发布新一代存储产品家族 要打破线上线下边界

Ali cloud released a new generation of stored product family to break the online border

2018-01-09 22:40:50来源: DoNews

DoNews1月9日消息(记者 翟继茹)9日,阿里云宣布推出全新一代块存储、极速型OSS(对象存储)、NAS Plus等企业级存储产品家族,并对分布式存储引擎进行全面升级。据介绍,其性能比此前提升了最多50倍。这意味着在发布企业级云服务器、网络、数据库、异构计算后,阿里云实现了在企业级服务市场的整体部署。阿里云存储产品总监许呙兢认为,线上线下存储的边界正在消失,阿里云要做的是在任何地方、以任何形式向不同企业提供高效的存储解决方案。具体来讲,企业级块存储服务搭载ECS云服务器,ESSD可提供单盘100万IOPS的随机读写能力和4000MB吞吐量,单路时延低至0.1毫秒,可让单台云服务器整体存储性...

DoNews1 9 news (reporter Ali cloud ZhaiJiRu) 9, announced a new generation of block storage, speed OSS (object storage), NAS Plus enterprise storage products such as a family, and a comprehensive upgrade to distributed storage engines. According to introducing, its performance than previously raised up to 50 times. This means that the enterprise cloud server, network, database, heterogeneous computing, ali cloud implements in the overall deployment of enterprise services market. Director xu Guo ali cloud storage products and argues that the boundary of the online store is disappearing, ali cloud thing to do is to anywhere, in any form to provide efficient storage solutions to different enterprises. Specifically, enterprise block storage service with ECS cloud server, single plate ESSD can provide 1 million IOPS random, speaking, reading and writing and 4000 MB throughput, single channel delay as low as 0.1 milliseconds, allowing a single cloud server storage on the whole...

标签: 阿里云