新关注 > 信息聚合 > 汽车后市场风起云涌 服务商路在何方

汽车后市场风起云涌 服务商路在何方

Where is the service business road in the booming automotive aftermarket?

2018-05-14 14:38:00来源: 品途网


After the automobile market has already surged, many netizens began to criticize the operation and management ability of the company and the design defects of the protection process, and even questioned the legitimacy of the commercial behavior of publishing reward announcements and windmills. But from the point of view of commercial value, Droplet is undoubtedly a service provider to provide more efficient production relations in the era of mobile Internet. In the future, such a new commercial species will inevitably eliminate the traditional automobile transportation operators. This incident is similar to the previous one in the United States, where Tesla and Uber drones crashed into pedestrians. Although there will be security loopholes in the operation process and need to be upgraded and improved, it can not stop the trend of market change after automobiles. Droplet has only been established for six years, and now has 500 million users and 21 million owners. According to media reports, Droplet is scheduled to be listed in the second half of this year, with a valuation of 8..