新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任天堂携手DeNA进军手游市场 新主机代号NX

任天堂携手DeNA进军手游市场 新主机代号NX

Nintendo together DeNA to enter the market of new Mobile Games host code NX

2015-03-17 21:13:07来源: 新浪

任天堂携手DeNA进军手游市场 新主机代号NX 日渐衰落任天堂在过去很长时间对于移动平台都是拒绝的,不过面对窘迫的现状任天堂的态度今天终于发生了改变。今天任天堂正式宣布将和日本知名移动平台游戏开发商DeNA进行合作,共同在移动平台推广任天堂游戏。在任天堂的声明中两家公司“尝试联合运营...

Nintendo together DeNA to enter the market of new Mobile Games host code NX declined Nintendo in the past very long time refused to mobile platforms, but in the face of distress situation Nintendo attitude today finally changed. Today Nintendo officially announced and the famous Japanese mobile platform game developers DeNA cooperation, common Nintendo game in mobile platform promotion. In Nintendo statement the two companies "try the joint operation...

标签: 手游 任天堂