新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼股价大涨5%:因主要业务利润大涨


SONY shares rose 5%, due to the main business profit rise

2017-04-24 00:00:00来源: 人民网

北京时间4月24日消息,索尼公司上周发布消息,初步预计年度利润好于预期。受此消息影响本周一,索尼股价创下近三个月内的最大涨幅。索尼股价今天在早盘交易中最高上涨4.6%,有望创下自2月3日以来的最大涨幅。 索尼股价大涨5%(图片来自baidu) 索尼在上周五股市收盘后发布的公告中称,初步计算的2016财年(截至今年3月)营业利润为2850亿日元(约合26亿美元),比此前预期高出19%。索尼预计,2016财年净利润约为730亿日元,是此前预期的两倍多。 这促使摩根大通将索尼的股票评级从“中性”上调至“增持”。同时,从高盛到瑞士信贷在内的投行重申了对索尼的看涨前景。他们认为,上一财年的业...

Beijing time on April 24, SONY released last week, preliminary estimate of better than expected annual profits. On the news on Monday, SONY shares the biggest gain in nearly three months. SONY shares rose in early trading today 4.6%, is expected to set a the biggest gain since February 3. SONY shares rose 5% (picture from baidu) SONY issued a statement after stock markets closed on Friday, according to a preliminary calculation of fiscal 2016 (as of march) operating profit of 285 billion yen ($2.6 billion), 19% higher than previously expected. SONY expects fiscal 2016 net profit of about 73 billion yen, is more than twice as many had expected. That prompted j.p. Morgan will SONY's stock rating from "neutral" to "overweight". At the same time, from Goldman sachs to credit suisse investment bank, reiterated the bullish outlook for SONY. They think that the industry for the last fiscal year...

标签: 索尼