新关注 > 信息聚合 > 苏大强表情包刷屏,作者称“不心疼版权”,大家喜欢就好


Su Daqiang's expression bag brushes the screen. The author calls it "not distressed by copyright". Just like everyone likes it.

2019-03-31 15:40:46来源: IT之家

IT之家3月31日消息 据新京报报道,随着国产剧《都挺好》大火,由80后妈妈刘倩@马里奥小黄 发布的苏大强系列表情包也刷屏了,这组表情包成了电视节目、商家广告的“宠幸”对象。报道称,刘倩是位80后妈妈,在家专职画画。“苏大强”系列表情包走红网络后,应网友要求,刘倩又相继创作了剧中人物“苏明哲”“苏明成”“苏明玉”表情包,也收获不少人气。刘倩称,画一张大概要1到2小时,除了画“苏大强”,其他人物也没有打草稿,直接画的。面对苏大强表情包跨行业的火爆,以及被各行各业拿来“变化后使用”,刘倩说自己根本控制不了,“被侵权不心疼,大家喜欢就好”。据专家称,普通人为了好玩而使用“表情包”一般不构成...

IT Home News March 31, according to the Beijing News, with the fire of the domestic drama "All Good", Liu Qian @Mario Xiaohuang & nbsp, the mother of the post-80s generation, and Su Daqiang's series of emoticons, which have become the "lucky" targets of TV programs and commercial advertisements, have also been brushed on the screen. Reported that Liu Qian is a post-80s mother, at home full-time painting. After "Su Daqiang" series emoticons became popular on the Internet, Liu Qian created the emoticons of "Su Mingzhe", "Su Mingcheng" and "Su Mingyu" in succession at the request of netizens, and gained a lot of popularity. Liu Qian said that it takes about 1 to 2 hours to draw a picture. Apart from drawing "Su Daqiang", other characters did not draw drafts, but drew directly. Faced with the boom of Su Daqiang's expression pack across industries and being used "after change" by all walks of life, Liu Qian said she could not control it at all. "If you are not hurt by infringement, you like it." According to experts, the use of "expression packs" by ordinary people for fun generally does not constitute (?)