新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《使命召唤16》将由IW开发


Call of Duty 16 will be developed by IW

2019-04-09 00:00:00来源: 人民网

当被粉丝问到2019年的《使命召唤》是不是他们最具野心的一款时,本作的叙事总监Taylor Kurosaki回答地也很坚定:“绝对啊(Definitely)”。 动视之前曾在财报上向投资人表示《使命召唤16》将有“全新的单人战役,一个巨大和扩张性的多人世界和一些有趣的合作玩法”。

When asked by fans if the 2019 call of duty was their most ambitious one, Taylor Kurosaki, the narrative director of the book, replied firmly: "Absolutely (Definitely)." "Call of Duty 16" will have a "new single-player campaign, a huge and expansive multiplayer world and some interesting collaborative gameplay" before the report, which has previously indicated to investors in the financial results.