新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三星电子削减研发,三星距离Moto和Nokia还有多远


Samsung Electronics cut research and development, Samsung and far away from Moto and Nokia

2016-03-18 17:53:35来源: DoNews


When a company began to cut R & D personnel, what does this mean? According to historical experience, a great possibility is that the company encountered great difficulties. Because the market is not good, to reduce the development and release of new products. Since the new program is reduced, the R & D department and R & D personnel will also be reduced. Therefore, layoffs for enterprises is not a good thing, reducing R & D personnel is not a good thing. But in 2016 just started news shows that Samsung has long begun to do so. What are the signs, according to South Korean media reports, in order to improve the operating conditions, Samsung Electronics for the first time in 18 years to reduce R & D investment, Samsung Electronics has been so far since the beginning of layoffs in the headquarters of 2480 people. In addition, Samsung also closed the U.S. electronic materials R & D center and information application research and development centers, R & D center number fell from 44 last year to 41. In addition to headquarters, other departments have also been layoffs. Here, we should pay attention to a little. Three...

标签: 三星