新关注 > 信息聚合 > 与三井物产深度合作,阳光印网稳步推进国际化战略


Cooperate with mitsui depth, sun screen steadily push forward the internationalization strategy

2018-12-29 10:01:00来源: 亿欧

2018年12月19日,阳光印网创始人兼董事长张红梅与三井物产株式会社(以下简称三井物产)执行役员兼消费者关联事业本部长藤田礼次在京共同宣布成立合资公司。至此,两个在不同领域内都足以傲视群伦的优秀企业 “喜结连理”,皆大欢喜。作为国内企业非核心事务采购领域的执牛耳者,阳光印网成立迄今也才7年多光景;而三井物产却是日本最大的综合商社、世界五百强企业之一,在钢铁、纺织、机械、化工、能源、电子等众多领域都拥有海量的全球资源……。如此看来,双方的体量悬殊、模式迥异,似乎是风马牛不相及的两条平行线。但是,阳光印网却凭借其创新的商业模式以及对互联网技术的开发和应用经验 “墙内开花内外皆香”,不仅在国内打造...

On December 19, 2018, sun screen, founder and chairman of hong-mei zhang and mitsui & co. (hereinafter referred to as mitsui) and perform service consumers associated enterprise security cane Tian Li jointly announced a joint venture in Beijing. At this point, both in different field best group of outstanding enterprises of the "knot," all's well that ends well. As a domestic enterprise giants in the field of non-core business procurement, sun screen, have so far been just seven years many times; But mitsui is Japan's largest sogo shosha, one of the world's a us-funded enterprises, in the iron and steel, textiles, machinery, chemical, energy, electronics, and many other fields have vast amounts of global resources... . In that case, different size disparity between the two sides, the pattern, the wind seems to be the horse and two parallel lines. However, sun screen is with its innovative business model, and the development and application of Internet technology experience "inside and outside wall flower is sweet", not only in the domestic building...