新关注 > 信息聚合 > 4k有好料,用newifi新路由get电影下载的新姿势


4 k with good material, use newifi new road by the get movie download new posture

2017-09-22 16:12:50来源: DoNews


At this stage, the router has not only play the role of the family network switch, this kind of product is also assume the role of the part family entertainment, intelligent router is referred to as "smart", little of course not the value of video download. As people increasingly demanding for viewing, all kinds of films for the audience segments is more and more clear. Small make up recently learned newifi new road by professional vertical search crawler, so automatic intelligent fetching films. In addition to the most common way of thunderbolt download, BT download, xiao yun OS newifi new road by carrying download engine by perfecting and powerful download plug-in, can completely meet the needs of all users to download. Have to mention xiao yun OS remote download function. Is so-called remote download, can on the network devices such as smart routers, NAS, file download by remote control, can realize control using a mobile phone or computer to download file to the specified device...

标签: 电影