新关注 > 信息聚合 > 生鲜电商的七种模式分析 看谁能脱颖而出?

生鲜电商的七种模式分析 看谁能脱颖而出?

Analysis to see who can talent showing itself seven patterns of fresh business?

2015-03-31 10:33:02来源: 网易

电子商务这些年在国内可谓是风声水起,几乎触及到了传统行业的每一个角落。而近日“互联网+”更是在国内掀起了一层又一层波浪,可惜在生鲜电商领域却始终没有激起浪花。不过这却并没有阻挡国人对于生鲜电商的热情,在他们看来,生鲜电商是国内电子商务市场仅剩的一块肥肉,决不能放过这个机会。 目前,在国...

electronic business these years in China is the wind, almost touched every corner of traditional industry. Recently, the "Internet +" there is a layer after layer wave at home, but in the business field is not always fresh spray. But this hasn't stopped people for fresh business enthusiasm, in their view, fresh business is a piece of fat meat with the domestic e-commerce market, will not miss this opportunity. At present, in the country...

标签: 电商