新关注 > 信息聚合 > DNF新版本浴火新生21日上线 神器掉落率提升3倍

DNF新版本浴火新生21日上线 神器掉落率提升3倍

DNF new version of the bath fire rebirth 21 on-line artifact drop rate increase 3 times

2015-05-20 19:25:23来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 5月20日消息,《地下城与勇士(DNF)》国服即将迎来七周年庆典,新版本“浴火新生”明日(21日)将上线,届时将带来全新剧情、全新任务等内容,同时游戏对地下城和装备道具进行了调整改版,物品掉落率将大幅提升,神器装备掉落率提高了3倍。 据悉,DNF新版本对异界与远古地下城进...

Sina game news news on May 20, "underground city and warrior (DNF)" national service is about to usher in the seventh anniversary celebration, the new version of "the bath fire rebirth" Tomorrow (21) will be on the line, at the appointed time will bring a new story, new tasks, such as content. At the same time, the game of dungeons and props and equipment adjusted revision, the drop rate of the item will be significantly improved, artifact equipment falling rate increased 3 times. It is reported that the new version of DNF, and the underground city in the ancient world...

标签: DNF