新关注 > 信息聚合 > 纽约时报:京东探索电商特色发展道路


New York Times: Jingdong exploring development path of electric characteristics

2015-01-27 10:59:18来源: 新浪

刘强东玩笑式地与配送员打招呼 导语:《纽约时报》网络版今天撰文称,虽然光环不及阿里巴巴那般耀眼,但京东还是走出了自己独特的发展道路,并获得了越来越多的认可。 以下为文章全文: 探索特色道路 几乎每年6月,当京东迎来店庆之际,刘强东都会带上硕大的摩托车头盔,穿上红色的制服,亲自骑...

Liu Qiangdong jokingly and distribution member greeting Intro: "New York Times" network edition reports today that, although not Alibaba aura that dazzling, but Jingdong or out of their own unique path of development, and has obtained more and more recognition. The following is the full text: exploring characteristic way almost every year in June, when Jingdong usher anniversary, Liu Qiangdong will bring huge motorcycle helmet, wear red uniforms, personally ride...

标签: 京东 电商