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游戏《乐高维度之神秘博士》首曝 博士蝙蝠侠甘道..

Game "LEGO dimensions of doctor who first exposure, Batman Gan..

2015-07-12 11:14:27来源: 任玩堂

早在今年初就公布了要合作的玩具商乐高和英国科幻剧 Doctor Who《神秘博士》,近日一同在美国圣地亚哥漫展出席了见面会并发布了游戏《乐高维度之神秘博士》的试玩视频。 从视频可以看到,《乐高维度之神秘博士》延续了“乐高”系列游戏的经典界面,左上方是角色头像、生命值,中间上方是玩家搜集...

as early as the beginning of this year announced the cooperation of the toy maker Lego and British sci-fi drama doctor who the doctor who recently together at the San Diego Comic Con, attended the meeting and released a demo video of the game" LEGO dimensions of doctor who. From the video can be seen, Lego dimension of the mystery of the continuation of the Lego series of games, the classic interface, the top of the role is the role of the head, the value of life, in the middle is the players collect...

标签: 游戏