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Obama's daughter teachers by Chinese parents rush: 20 class 1 minutes gone a week

2017-08-14 17:36:03来源: DoNews

 近日,一家在线少儿英语教育的平台上,一位外教老师的加入引起了不小轰动,不少家长一下班就目不转睛地盯着手机,为的就是挤破头为孩子抢到这位老师的一节课。是什么老师这么受欢迎呢?经记者调查发现,这位叫Lisa的老师身份确实不一般,因为她是美国前总统奥巴马小女儿Sasha的御用音乐教师。原来,Lisa出生于美国,以本科及研究生均获全额奖学金的优异成绩毕业于University of Cincinnati后,平日里一直投身于ESL(非母语英语课程)教学和音乐教学之中,并能够将两者巧妙融合,来提升学生的学习兴趣和学习效率。在业余时间里,她还是一名歌剧演员和百老汇的歌手,在世界各地巡回演出。后来,因其出色...

Recently, an online children's English education platform, a foreign teacher to join caused quite a stir, many parents come home from work just staring at the phone, in order to squeeze broken head for their children to a class of the teacher. What the teacher is so popular? The reporters found that the teacher identity does not generally called Lisa, because she is a former U.S. President barack Obama's young daughter Sasha's own music teachers. Originally, Lisa was born in the United States, China won full scholarships to undergraduate course and study the excellent result after graduated from the University of Cincinnati, who has been involved in the ESL (ESL) teaching and music teaching, with the ability to both ingenious fusion, to improve the students' learning interest and learning efficiency. In his spare time, she was an opera singer and Broadway singer, touring around the world. Later, because of its outstanding...