新关注 > 信息聚合 > 社群零售平台“有好东西”获2000万美元B轮融资,愉悦资本领投


Community retail platform "there is a good thing for us $20 million B round of financing, capital led

2018-01-21 14:19:00来源: 品途网

品途商业评论讯 北京时间1月21日,社群零售平台“有好东西”宣布获得了新一轮2000万美元B轮融资。本轮融资由愉悦资本领投,险峰长青,微光创投,嘉程资本和真格基金跟投。本轮融资后,“有好东西”将继续完善上游供应链,同时拓展服务内容和地区、扩大甄选师规模。有好东西成立于2014年8月,致力于为家庭品质生活提供专业甄选服务。产品有望覆盖美食 (delicious)、亲子 (kids)、生活方式 (lifestyle) 和跨境 (global) 四大类。从生鲜、农产品切入,通过和“甄选师”群体合作,以微信社群为“场所”,做产地直供的精选商品...

Product business review) Beijing time on January 21, community retail platform "there is a good thing" announced obtained a new $20 million B round of funding. This round of financing capital led by pleasure, high mountains, evergreen, light vc, and very serious fund and capital's routine. After this round of funding, "there is a good thing" will continue to improve the upstream supply chain, and expand the service content, expand the scale of the selected division and area. Have something good was established in August 2014, is committed to serve quality of family life to provide professional selection. Products are expected to cover food & have spent (delicious), parent-child & have spent (kids), lifestyle & have spent (lifestyle) & have spent And cross-border & have spent (global) & have spent Four categories. From the fresh, agricultural products, through cooperation and "selection" groups, WeChat community as "place", to do origin straight for selected goods...